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Organic essential oil

Cinnamomum zeylanicum


10 ml

This cinnamon oil is one of the most powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant and

stimulating properties.


Cinnamon has never been used for a long time in history, it is valued by the ancient medicinal traditions of India, China and Egypt to such an extent, its value is equal to gold.

ORIGIN: Madagascar

AROMA: Hot and stimulating

How to use:

Diffusion: Use 3-4 cinnamon sticks in an aromatherapy diffuser
Topical: Dilute 1-3 drops in carrier oil of your choice and massage into desired area

Internally: Dilute 1 drop in 200ml of liquid

Cosmetics: Dose essential oil no more than 0.05% of the finished product, mix until a homogeneous mixture is obtained.

Learn more:

Cinnamon essential oil has some of the most powerful anti-inflammatory, antimicrobial, antioxidant and stimulating properties of any natural ingredient.

It is extracted from real Ceylon cinnamon, which is known all over the world as an aromatic spice with a very long and interesting history.


Cinnamon is considered one of the most ancient herbs, used in ancient Egypt, China and India for millennia. It is associated with protection, well-being and attracting wealth.


Tips for use:

  • Diffuse 2-3 drops of cinnamon in an aromatherapy diffuser or alternatively soak a cotton pad for direct inhalation

  • For internal use - dilute 1 drop of cinnamon in 200ml of liquid

  • For topical application - dilute 1-2 drops of cinnamon in a carrier oil of your choice and gently rub onto chest and neck or other affected area

  • For mouthwash - dilute 3-4 drops of cinnamon along with a spoonful of salt in a glass of water

  • For oil pulling against cavities - dilute 2-3 drops of cinnamon in a spoonful of coconut oil

  • For skin serum - dilute 1-2 drops of cinnamon in a carrier oil of your choice or add 1 drop of cinnamon to your daily skin products and mix well

  • For an anti-acne serum - dilute 1-2 drops of cinnamon in a carrier oil of your choice and gently rub onto the affected area. Repeat twice a day.

Benefits and characteristics

Immunity, infections, ulcers and parasites

Cinnamon oil is an extremely strong antimicrobial agent against bacteria, fungi and parasites. It effectively destroys many of the most common harmful microbes such as Candida Albicans and Streptococcus mutans. What's more, cinnamon oil also kills so-called "superbugs" - organisms with developed resistance to pharmaceutical drugs.


Cinnamon essential oil can help heal an ulcer. It effectively kills Helicobacter pylori - the bacteria that cause ulcers and is rich in eugenol, a compound with a proven healing effect against stomach ulcers.

Due to its extremely strong anti-inflammatory action, cinnamon is an excellent choice for relieving chronic inflammatory diseases such as arthritis, irritable bowel syndrome, etc. As a powerful immune booster and antioxidant, cinnamon oil can also help fight infectious diseases such as flu, colds, and gastrointestinal infections.



Metabolism and blood sugar

For thousands of years, cinnamon has been known as a useful remedy against obesity and diabetes. A study by the academic journal "Metabolism" found that the main active ingredient of cinnamon oil, "cinnamic aldehyde" promotes fat burning by activating thermogenic reactions in human fat cells, without unwanted side effects.

Other research shows that cinnamon stimulates insulin release and balances blood sugar levels in people with diabetes and at risk of diabetes. It is also known that unstable blood sugar can cause overeating, constant hunger, fatigue and weight gain.



Cinnamon oil may be beneficial for heart health, especially when combined with exercise. It helps address the main causes of heart failure and stroke by lowering cholesterol, relieving inflammation and containing active ingredients that dilate the heart's blood vessels. (1,2)


Mood, energy and stress

Cinnamon essential oil can help relieve stress and depressive disorders, as well as improve alertness and mental clarity, especially when combined with other essential oils such as peppermint, orange, ylang ylang, lavender, or geranium. These properties make it perfect for aromatherapy therapy or massage while at work or after a hard day. (1,2)


Beautiful skin

Cinnamon essential oil has numerous beautifying and healing benefits for the skin, thanks to its nourishing, antimicrobial, anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties. It rejuvenates and tightens the skin and improves blood circulation, which has a filling and detoxifying effect. It is useful for inflammatory skin diseases such as dermatitis, rashes, eczema and others.


It is particularly effective for the treatment of acne, as it addresses and eliminates the causes of its appearance, namely inflammation and acne-causing bacteria - Propionibacterium acnes. (1)



In folk medicine, cinnamon oil is known as a natural aphrodisiac and sexual stimulant. In animal studies, cinnamon oil significantly increases sexual function and is an effective treatment for impotence. These benefits may be due to the fact that cinnamon is rich in manganese, a rare element essential for sexual health, and that cinnamon oil stimulates blood circulation and raises body temperature.



  • Keep out of reach of children.

  • In case of contact with eyes, rinse thoroughly with water.

  • Before use, do a sensitivity test in the pit of the elbow flexion. If there is a rash or redness - do not use the product.

  • Do not use if allergic to the oil.

  • Do not use in children under 6 years old.

  • Concentrated product, dilute before use.

  • If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, have hypersensitive skin or want to use essential oil for your child, consult a specialist first!

  • Note: The oil is strong and is not recommended for allergic persons and during pregnancy, as well as its use in nursing mothers 2 hours before breastfeeding! When using it, consultation with a specialist is necessary!

Organic and natur

100% pure and organic composition.

No animal testing

100% vegan without animal exploitation

In harmony with nature

Ecologically conscious production and materials

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